Tips to Follow when Neighbors Trees Blocks Out Sunlight

Is your garden or landscape suffering from lack of sunlight because your neighbor’s tree is blocking out the light it is supposed to get? This may be urgent given the health of your garden; however, you also need to ensure that the process for which you’ll follow to resolve the issue is correct and legal.   

When encountering an issue like this, it is crucial to be thorough and careful while also conversing.   

1. Clarify the tree issue  

The importance of understanding the real situation you are in is crucial. One tree may not suffice in winning your cause or argument thus. It is best if you try to win the situation yourself. Trees can be trimmed and are often blocking sunlight when trimming is not practiced. Moreover, knowing if the part of the tree that’s it’s on your side or theirs is crucial too. If the blocking comes from the side of the tree that has gotten into your property, then it is best to get it trimmed instead. However, when the part that needs to be trimmed is your neighbor’s, you must try and talk it out with your neighbor respectfully.   

2. Convey through words  

Nothing is more sincere than a letter. I do not mean slipping a letter across your neighbor’s home and expect something to come up of it. Make the letter legal and send it through the mail. After doing so, wait for the reply as well. If you already had a conversation previously, make sure you explain your side, so it will not seem that you are conveying a tantrum on how their trees are blocking your area. Rather, pay more attention to your letter to secure you are conveying respect.   

3. What is the role of the council?   

The council has no power to get rid of your neighbor’s here or threaten them for your advantage. More than that, they also cannot be forced to go beyond a cut of 2 meters. What if the council agrees with me, but my neighbor won’t comply? When a refusal is given to the council, a person is held responsible and given an offense. More than that, since the tree owner refused, the council can overtake the process and make the cutting possible.    

4. In having a tree, is trimming it possible when I do it alone?   

If the tree is yours, to begin with, you have all the power to trim it or take care of it as you please. However, when it comes to a tree preservation order, you must not proceed with cutting it or trimming it whatsoever. If you push through cutting, you can have a criminal offense as well.    

A tree trim, cut, or removal is not easy to deal with. A lot of regulations come with it in the background. However, if you wish to learn more about removing or trimming trees with a knowledgeable individual or team, you can do so through the help of professionals. Professionals know every tree-related regulation and are your best partner in tree care without worrying about getting a criminal offense. Neighbours trees blocking sunlight from your garden? Get rid of the dilemma through checking their website.  

Mistakes to Avoid When Trimming Trees

If you’re a homeowner, you are probably keen on maintaining your trees and plants. It’s your responsibility to clean your lawn and gardens. If you have a tree in your yard, it is your job to maintain it. This includes trimming the tree. 

Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t do the job properly. Though their intention is good, the methods that most homeowners use can create more harm to the tree. Hiring professional tree surgeon Nottingham is the ideal way. However, homeowners choose to do it themselves to save money. If you’re one of these homeowners, here are several mistakes you should avoid making when trimming a tree: 

Leaving a Lot of Mess after the Job 

A couple of homeowners think that it’s fine to leave dead leaves and branches to dry off on the ground. However, the mess they leave behind can lead to injuries and accidents. For instance, broken branches lying on the ground are trip hazards. Scattered leaves can lead to slips and falls.  

Aside from that, you should keep in mind that decaying leaves, fruits, and limbs can harbor pests and fungi that will attack healthy parts of the tree or nearby plants. If you want to be responsible, make sure you always clean up after you trim your tree. You should also sanitize the edge of your shears every time you cut a new tree. 

Cutting the Branch Collar 

For those who don’t know, the branch collar is vital to the growth of your tree. This branch has properties that are significant to the foundation of branches. If you hit the branch collar, you are also damaging the layers inside it. This will result in a wound that will take a lot of time to heal. In some cases, these wounds won’t heal at all. It will also become exposed to diseases that can cause decay or death.  

Trimming in Poor Weather Conditions  

Whenever we hear the news of a looming storm, it’s our natural instinct to prepare. We begin trimming the tree if we believe that a strong storm can tear it down. However, people might not realize the possible risks it might cause. If a storm passes by, the tree might not be able to protect your house. Because of this, it is best to consult a tree surgeon to know if you need to trim a tree if there is an impending storm.  

Cutting the Wrong Branches 

You become indulged when you begin trimming a couple of branches. Getting rid of the branches at random can hurt the tree. You only have to remove the dead ones to maintain your tree’s health. Bacteria and fungus will thrive on the bark. Aside from that, you can also alter the shape of the tree if you cut random branches.  

Using Dull Shears 

If you use dull shears to cut branches, you’re only damaging the tree. This is particularly true if you cut the wrong part. Rather than hitting the trunk randomly, make sure you begin with dying branches. If you use dull shears, it will leave a lot of wounds on your tree.